Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Marv Wolfman on Raven's Mini-Series

Marv Wolfman recently posted an update on his recently-announced Raven mini-series on his site: "I've seen some comments on the net about the mini with some relieved that I'll bring Raven back to the way she was in the 80s while others live in fear that I'll bring Raven back to the way she was in the 80s. Some want me to jettison everything done with the character while others want me not to change anything that's been done to her. So here's what I will say; before I began I had a lunch with current Titans writer Geoff Johns and we discussed what he was going to do with Raven and what I could do. Some things that I proposed he'll set up in the Titans, while some things he wants I'll do in the mini. Otherwise, I was pretty much allowed to play with the story the way I wanted and Geoff encouraged me to make changes, some big, some small, which will then become Raven's status quo in the Titans comic."

Marv adds, "All that said, I try to approach all my stories through the characters first. The story has to have an impact on the people inhabiting them. It's why I rarely write 100% plot-driven stories where the hero has to simply stop some crime he or she doesn't care about. This Raven story comes directly out of her basic concept and can only work with that one character; it's not interchangeable."

That's just part of Marv's post; Be sure to visit his site for the full report!


  • At 12:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm so excited!!! I think Marv Wolfman probably was the best to write the miniseries although Geoff Johns is doing an amazing job so far.

  • At 9:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

  • At 10:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!


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