Saturday, August 05, 2006

Titans News from WizardWorld Chicago

Batgirl in Titans East? Wolfman/Jurgens Nightwing run extended!

from Newsarama: Friday afternoon, DC Comics held its DC Nation panel, which took the form of an open free-for-all question and answer session with the panelists: Dan Didio (who hosted), Keith Giffen, Geoff Johns, Jann Jones, and Bob Wayne (VP Sales).

Titans tidbits:

- how much Superboy story is left to be told, and how much is the character’s removal from the DCU is due to litigation (with the Siegel family)? Bob Wayne: “We don’t comment on pending litigation.”

- Asked about seeing the Cassandra Cain Batgirl again, Johns said that she is the Batgirl in the upcoming “Titans East” storyline in Teen Titans.

- The changes and variations in the portrayal of Nightwing? “Nighting will be reconciled,” Didio said.

- In 52: Johns added that around issue #30, Morrison is writing a full issue of 52 featuring Bruace Wayne, Tim Drake, and Dick Grayson, and Didio noted that in Nightwing’s regular series, Marv Wolfman and Dan Jurgens’ previously announced four-issue run has already been extended, though he didn’t say how many more issues the team will be doing. Didio also noted that there will be a couple of specials that will tie up what was happening in Nightwing and Outsiders.

- Readers will found out what happened to Bart Allen’s missing years in the coming months.

- "Ray Palmer unshrink, Scott Free, or Big Barda showing up? Didio: No, yes, yes. Johns: We see Little Barda in 52. She’s a Teen Titan, but still 7’ 2” "

- Possibility of a Doom Patrol series or miniseries? Johns: “I like playing with them in Teen Titans.”

- Where’s Roy Harper? Didio (thoughtful): “That’s a really good question.”

- Wally West show up again? Johns: Yes

- Static Shock in Teen Titans? Johns: I’ve wanted that character since we launched. Didio: It’s hard to coordinate.

For more on Chicago, go to the Newsarama complete coverage!


  • At 4:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yay Wally West! I hope he comes back for good. Bart was good as kid flash.


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