Monday, September 10, 2007

Chuck Dixon Returns to Robin

Newsarma Reports: Announced this afternoon at the Baltimore Comic Con long time and in fact original Robin ongoing series writer/creator Chuck Dixon will be making a return to the title beginning in January 2008 with issue #170.

NRAMA: So finally, and more specifically speaking, can you give readers some insight as to what you have planned for Robin upon your return? A little early preview/primer?

CD: The first arc introduces a new female foil to vex Robin in the coming year. Her intro leads to a revelation that I promise will be a shocker for long-time Robin fans. He also runs into more trouble with the Gotham cops. Adam Beechen amped up the tension twixt Robin and the GCPD and I’m going to keep that going. Robin also runs afoul of a major Gotham gang figure and that complicates everything. Tim Drake’s life isn’t any more sedentary as an old friend from the past pops up with a problem that Tim can’t solve. And Tim’s dating life is going to get a lot more interesting. The return of some former foes and a few new baddies come on stage in the opening arcs.

I’m having a lot of fun. I hope everyone else does as well

Read the whole interview here.


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