Monday, June 23, 2008


It seems like DC won't be continuing with TTY1 with a TTY2. From Newsarama:

Q: Are there plans to continue Teen Titans: Year One?

DD: Not really – that was a particular flavor done for that sensibility that played against the animation style, which is something that DC is trying to play down for now.

Looking at April, it outsells YOUNG AVENGERS PRESENTS, NIGHTWING, LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES, NOVA, ROBIN, SALVATION RUN, NEW WARRIORS, BIRDS OF PREY... and it outsold CYBORG, WONDER GIRL and RAVEN minis by a wide margin (about 12,000 units)

PLUS, the power of this series in trades... it's completely accessible and has a modern flair to it. Young adults love the story and art, as far as I've heard.

By all means, DC, keep publishing tie-ins to mega-crossovers with lot o' death.


  • At 4:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That's typical for DC....."The fan response has been overwhelmingly positive for Teen Titans Year One, but we're going to completely ignore that!"


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