Sunday, July 26, 2009

SDCC 2009: Titans Tidbits

From the DC Nation panel:

-- "With Trigon removed, what is Raven good for? "Raven is going to be very important in Teen Titans soon," DiDio said."

From The Superman Panel:

-- "
Geoff Johns briefly ran down what would appear in "Adventure Comics," drawing laughter when he mentioned "the good Teen Titans." He also said, "If you don't like Krypto, don't read our book.""

-- "
Manapul liked that "Adventure" was a charming book "and I can actually show it to my mom." "It's like a Norman Rockwell comic,' Manapul added."

-- "Superboy Prime will appear in "Adventure Comics" #4-5, Johns said."

From Blackest Night Panel:

-- "
JT Krul's "Blackest Night Titans" will feature "a hell of a lot of dead Titans, as Titans fans know," Johns said. Berganza said that Ed Benes "makes death look really sexy.""



  • At 12:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Did Eddie Berganza say Ed Benes "makes death look really sexy."?!


    Didio must go!!!


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