Monday, January 18, 2010

The Fate of Lian Harper?

A fellow fan pointed something out in TITANS #21. DCUBoyMW posts on ComicBloc: "Why has no one else commented on the most important revelation of this issue! I could be mistaken but I think it's pretty clear that Donna implies that Lian Harper was killed during cry for justice and Roy will find that out when he wakes from the coma. Read what she is saying to Roy while looking at Lians picture; she is not talking about the loss of an arm guys."

I've posted the pages here, and it certainly could be read in that context. Plus, Lian is mysteriously missing from Roy's bedside. Donna even makes a comparison to the loss of her own son. Also, April's solicits show Cheshire lunging at Roy on the cover to JUSTICE LEAGUE: THE RISE OF ARSENAL #2; If Lian was killed, it would certainly explain Cheshire's fury.

I hope we're wrong.

What do you guys think?


  • At 4:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh my God, I think you might be right. Those BASTARDS!

  • At 5:50 PM, Blogger EoRaptor said…

    Yup... when pointed out, it's like "I'm turning in my secret decoder ring, how could I have missed that"

    at least it's a slightly meatier story idea than "they chopped his arm off" since Lian ties in several DC characters.

    Still... more F'ing cape angst? come on...

  • At 7:15 PM, Blogger mrjl said…

    I think it'll just be that he lost his arm.

  • At 8:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yeah it's been hinted at for a few months now. I don't think she'll die, but Roy and all those in his dimension will think she and many others are dead..remember that device Prometheus was making that could transport an entire city into another dimension? I think it will be used on Star City. Lian and Mia are in Star City. We know something is going down with Star City, we know Roy loses 'Everything'and Ollie flips his lid, also no mention of Speedy (Mia) in any future solicits even though Connor Hawke is coming back and has been shown on the cover of future solicited books.

  • At 8:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh noes! I liked Roy as a single dad! I certainly hope it's just a coincidence and that the Anon above me is right.

  • At 9:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I hope it's not the case. If so, the only thing Didio's getting is my foot up his arse.

  • At 10:12 PM, Anonymous Red Robin 3.0 said…

    The death of a character's child... how many more angst cliches can they do? Why kill her too? Its just another excuse to make another character darker and more emo than before. The reason I liked Roy was because he was the care-free personality with more responsibility than the other characters. Roy was the guy who acted like a brat, but who was really the ost mature of all the other characters because he had a daughter he was raising and had to be a parent too. He's already had a drug problem, he's already lost his mentor multiple times, his daughter's mom is a super-villain... why couldn't they just let him be a good father, let Lian grow-up and let them be happy?

  • At 10:18 PM, Blogger EoRaptor said…

    Because it's Didio's DC, RR. No body comes out alive or happy. How many other dc characters will this affect and angst out more? Rose was her nanny, and a lot of the other titans watched her grow.


  • At 6:20 AM, Anonymous Pft said…


    The sad thing is?If this news does turn out to be true, I don't think we will see anyone beyond Donna and the Arrow family caring.

    Oh, we certainly should. But the Titans are getting scrapped for *gag* Deathstroke's Titans, to make way for all the moronic nostaligic fans who still consider Deatstroke an "anti-hero" instead of a villain (you cross that line when you blow up a freaking city) so we won't get much reaction from the Titans in their own book.

    Dick Grayson - who went after her and rescued her as a baby and should care the most after Roy and the Arrows if DC gave a crap about characterization - is too busy Denying the Titans exist in his life and taking care of precious Gotham to remember his family, so he won't give a crap either. Besides, why should he grieve about Lian when he has the all important baby Robin to take care of? (sarcasm, in case you can't tell.)

    Just look at the solicits for Titans #22. If Lian is dead, all the TItans are worried about is the government repossessing their Tower? Above her being dead.

    A lot of speculation has Ollie flipping his lid and becoming a supervillain because of this. Never mind Ollie being on a vendetta after this - Why the hell aren't the *Titans*?

  • At 6:30 AM, Blogger Martin Gray said…

    Oh Lordy, good spot, you have to be right about poor Lian. I was thinking maybe it just meant Cheshire had taken her, but the reaction doesn't fit.

    I feel thick too!

  • At 6:54 AM, Blogger mrjl said…

    Well, a good portio of the current Titans do end up being the next Justice League. Dick and Donna are Batman and Wonder Woman, Starfire and Cyborg are on the team also.

    But seriously if she is dead then Titans should be a lot more grief stricken then they are.

  • At 9:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It sucks how some characters are just easily forgotten. I mean, remember when Spoiler died. No one cared about her. Occassionally Tim would comment on how he lost her along with his dad and Superboy, but aside from that and that story about Stephanie being exposed as Spoiler, Stephanie was almost never mentioned and never got a trophie case (which she should have, since they originally hadn't intended to bring her back from that dead). Or what about Tim's step mother. She disappeared after the Infinite Crisis and has never been mentioned since. And lets not forget Lian Luthor (Lex's daughter). What happened to her?

  • At 3:22 AM, Blogger MetFanMac said…

    If that's true, then... $h!+.

  • At 3:23 PM, Blogger Avi Green said…

    Anon is quite right about forgotten characters, and those who get a deaf ear/blind eye. Nobody cares about Sue Dibny and Jean Loring, nobody even cares about Elongated Man or Jack Drake, father of Tim.

    I don't know what the outcome of this story will be, but the message is clear: DO NOT buy the next issue of Cry for Justice!

  • At 3:45 PM, Blogger EoRaptor said…

    Of course, her fate, and those other, less (celebrated?) observed deaths might have more impact if, you know, people weren't dropping left and right like plague victims across the DCU and being retconned back to life every month.

    Lian will probably end up in that pile by July, I imagine; no later than the end of 2010.

    @Pft and @mrjl are right though, that the characters who COULD be expected to react to the plot are still in canon play, but otherwise occupied by their own preexisting angst.

  • At 1:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thats it.....Didio is an Anti-Christ.
    Off with his head.

  • At 1:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Avi, I'm not sure where your getting that stuff about Jean, Sue, Jack and Ralph.

    Jean appeared actively in 52, and Blackest Night. Sue was/is always mentioned whenever someone talks about a friend being killed because of the super-hero life-stye. Ralph often by JLA associates. And Jack Drake, Tim talks about quit often for years and still talks about him when he thinks about how many father figures he's lost.

  • At 5:45 AM, Blogger Avi Green said…

    @anonymous: I guess I should've been more precise: I've felt that Jean Loring, Sue Dibny, Jack Drake and a few other minor characters like them have not gotten the same support as say, Stephanie Brown, the Spoiler. In other words, too few have campaigned to have the character assassination and deaths reversed. That's what I find maddening.

  • At 5:38 PM, Blogger Kory Stephens said…

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • At 5:40 PM, Blogger Kory Stephens said…

    @ Pft

    Don't get me started on that little turd-stain Damien (aka Grant Morrison's fictional botched abortion)

  • At 5:41 PM, Blogger mrjl said…

    Dick will be sharing page time with many other Titans in the new Justice League of America

  • At 6:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Personally Avi, I like that idea of that the deaths of deaths for characters not being campaigned for reversal. I'm tired of everyone's death being undone because one or two fans demand it, especially if the death has a purpose to it to an extent.

    Also, Ralph and Sue are still around. They're ghost detectives now as shown in BATMAN & THE OUTSIDERS.

  • At 5:22 AM, Anonymous Tommy said…

    Whoever that anonymous is, he sure is way out of the loop! Didn't he read Blackest Night and see that Ralph and Sue became flesh-eating zombies? What an ignoramous. On top of all that, he obviously doesn't care for Mark Gruenwald's whole argument that, "every character is someone else's favorite. You shouldn't kill them off lightly, or worse, ruin their appearances in retrospect." And we wonder why comics became so bad.

  • At 5:10 AM, Anonymous Matt said…

    lord, I'm really beginning to hate comics these days.....

    I'm so sick of death and gore and not considering a character's history, or personality, or hell even cotinuity...


  • At 5:11 AM, Anonymous Matt said…

    ....that was "continuity"...:)

  • At 7:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Let's hear it for the fridge!


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